Keep your staff safe from workplace accidents!
Greasy floors in a busy kitchen at rush hour are a slip and fall accident waiting to happen, keep your workers safe and happy by applying anti-slip on your floors.
As a restaurant owner, you’re probably concerned about the health and safety of your kitchen staff during the lunch or dinner rush. Where food orders seem never-ending and everyone is moving quickly. It doesn’t help that throughout these shifts oil and food debris build-up on the floor and leave the floor greasy and slippery.
In 2019, CNA reported that more than 50% of workplace slip and fall accidents happen in the kitchen and are 80% more likely to happen during peak hours.
Ways to keep your kitchen staff safe from slip and fall accidents
1. Lay down anti-slip rubber mats
Anti-slip maps create bevelled surfaces for you to walk on.
A common practice by restaurant owners in curbing the slip and fall issue is to lay down rubber anti-slip mats (much like in the photo above). However, anti-slip mats can accumulate debris over time, becoming slip and fall hazards on their own. This is because anti-slip mats are still just flat pieces of plastic on the ground that will give way even if the floor is oily or wet.
2. Equip your staff with safety shoes
These shoes are different from your normal shoes because of the number of grooves it has on its sole.
Another way to keep your kitchen workplace safer is by having the dress code to include safety, also known as anti-slip, shoes. Anti-slip shoes manage to give the staff member more grip by providing the wearer more tact and grip when walking or crossing the floor. In fact, it is a common safety measure enforced by bigger restaurant chain owners who have staff members that move around a lot more.
Still, anti-slip mats and shoes don’t exactly tackle the problem of a greasy and slippery floor.
3. Coat a layer of Nano-G’s Nanotechnology Anti-slip Floor Coating solution on your floors
Nano-G Anti-Slip Floor Coating provides friction on the surface without changing the appearance of the floor.
The key reason why your kitchen staff may slip and fall in the kitchen is because of the slippery and greasy floor, due to a lack of friction it provides. Even after the daily after-work scrubbing, the residual layer of food debris and oil will still remain on the floor surface.
Therefore, one good way to deal with the issue is to slip-proof the floor itself- and Nano-G’s Nanotechnology Anti-slip Floor Coating solution is able to do just that. Our anti-slip floor coating solution doubles as an anti-microbial and waterproof layer that doesn’t get slippery even when water is splashed on it. It also has the added benefits of being easy to clean, easy to maintain and having a clear coat.
And you don’t have to stop a few days worth of work to have the kitchen slip-proofed! Nano-G’s Nanotechnology Anti-slip Floor Coating solution ensures that the kitchen will be slip-proof in a matter of 24 hours. What’s more, you don’t have to hack at the kitchen floor or tiles. Instead, we will be coating a transparent and grainy anti-slip layer on your floor that doesn’t change the appearance of your kitchen floor.
Read more about Nano-G’s Anti-Slip Floor Coating solution here:
So, that’s why you need a long-term solution to prevent slip and falls in the restaurant kitchen.
By having a layer of Nano-G’s Nanotechnology Anti-slip Floor Coating solution on your kitchen floor, you save a lot of hassle in keeping your kitchen safe. For one, you and your staff can rest assured that your anti-slip mat and shoes will work twice as effective with the added precaution of our solution, as our solution is embedded into the smallest pore of your kitchen floor.
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Or give our hotline a call at 1800-18-6266